What to do after using a hair conditioning mask

What to do after using a hair conditioning mask

When you make use of a hair conditioning mask, it can actually open up the hair cuticles. To make sure that your hair cuticles are closed after using the said mask, all you need to do is to apply a cold water rinse. Cold water can actually close your skin pores, as well as the hair cuticles.

Make use of clarifying shampoo to maintain the health of your hair and scalp

Make use of clarifying shampoo to maintain the health of your hair and scalp

It is not uncommon for a woman to make use of certain hair care products for the whole week, especially when reporting for work or attending parties. Because of that, these products can leave certain chemicals on your hair and scalp, which may eventually harm it. To clear your hair from such substances, make use of a clarifying shampoo at the end of the week.

What to do with a chipped nail polish


What to do with a chipped nail polishIf your nail polish has been chipped, if you still have time, you can always visit the parlor to get it fixed. Since they are the experts, you can entrust your nail polish to them. However, if you don’t have time for that, you can actually add glitter on top of it, in order to hide the chip from the public.

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