Never pick pimples

Having lots of pimples on your face can affect your beauty. Thus, you don’t want it to multiply. Picking your pimples is actually one of the things that can make you have more of them. This is because pricking it can spread the infection further. Aside from that, it can also damage your skin tissue around the pimple.

Exfoliate your hands each week

Having hands that are soft and smooth would definitely add more to your already beautiful image. To achieve that, you should exfoliate your hands once a week, with the use of a natural exfoliating liquid. Use it in light circular movements, so as to gently massage your skin.

Fix your yellow nails

Fix your yellow nails

Yellow nails is not something that you can be proud off. Thus, if you have them, you can simply make use of a homemade whitening bath for it. All you need to do is to mix enough lemon juice and rose petals into a bowl of clean water, and dip your hands into it. After going through that process, apply a moisturizing lotion to enhance the results.

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